Biblical Tours

Greece is the second most important biblical country. It has strong ties not only with the New Testament, but also with the Old Testament.

Unlike Israel, Greece has the privilege to have most of the biblical places mentioned in Acts and the letters to the different churches preserved.

We know the exact place where Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi. We know exactly where Paul stood in front of Areopagus, the supreme court of Ancient Athens, we are able to stand exactly where Paul stood in front of Galion in Corinth.

Seize the opportunity to literally touch the authenticity and the historicity of the Bible and get a more in-depth view of the word of God.

We are looking forward to having you with us!

Travelorama Team

Apostle Paul's Footsteps in Athens (Private Tour)

Apostle Paul's Footsteps in Athens (Private Tour)

Athens10 / 10
“Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: ‘People of Athens!’ ” Acts 17:22 (NIV) More info
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